I haven't painted my Petra yet. Actually I have, quite a few times, but haven't felt like I've really captured who she is. Petra is so full of action and verve and inner strength, that it's been hard to get all that on paper. I think I may need to try a different style, perhaps looser, to get the essence of who she is. I'll keep trying.
I'm actually off to the vet with Petra in a few minutes, and we were at the emergency vet with her on Saturday night. She seems to be having a reaction to her rabies vaccine and also some other illness, perhaps a recurrence of Lyme Disease. At any rate, she's been an unhappy and not-so-energetic girl the past two days. She did run up a couple of trees yesterday (she leaps six feet up trees, then "runs" a couple of feet higher, before turning and gracefully dropping to the ground), but not nearly as high or as enthusiastically as usual.
This is Bounce, a small but mighty Sheltie. Bounce is an elegant lady of a dog who belongs to a friend of mine.

And here's Pip, a small powerhouse of a dog, who belongs to another friend of mine. Pip is a blast-- intense, funny, smart as a whip, and very, very focused.

Melissa you keep painting dogs and I'll still love each and everyone of them. I really like the freedom you captured in each of these.
I really love these paintings. Pip is so cute!
I'm sorry Petra isn't feeling well. How is she doing now? I hope she's back to her old self. {{{{}}}}
Thank you, Nora! I will keep on painting dogs. :)
Christina, thank you! It was a challenge to capture Pip, since she is so full of personality.
Petra is feeling better now, trying to rule the household again. ;)
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